Every once in a while, someone in the Bush administration suggests that "no one knew" how bad things could get in Iraq. No one could have imagined the quagmire. The deaths. The destruction. The unprecidented (well, Vietnam was a precident) mess that would result from invading Iraq. But wait! We did know! Of course we knew all along, and here's Dick to tell us exactly what we knew; at least in 1994.
We will be showing Grave of the Fire Flies at Blessed Sacrament Parish in Seattle, at 8:00 PM, August 4th in the Parish Hall (below the church).
I just wanted to give a little ad for the movie, if any Seattlites are watching, and will give some kind of review after the show, in the comments section here. Don't know what to expect, exactly, but folks are very excited about the film. Here's a link to our poster: Grave of the Fire Flies