The Last Words of Christ
A left-leaning Catholic discussion forum.
I have not been this impressed with a presidential candidate in decades; or since I was old enough to care. I suppose I was too young to appreciate Bobby Kennedy, but no one speaks like John Edwards. And as much as I like Obama, he's never given a speech like this one. Check it out:
Every once in a while, someone in the Bush administration suggests that "no one knew" how bad things could get in Iraq. No one could have imagined the quagmire. The deaths. The destruction. The unprecidented (well, Vietnam was a precident) mess that would result from invading Iraq. But wait! We did know! Of course we knew all along, and here's Dick to tell us exactly what we knew; at least in 1994.
We will be showing Grave of the Fire Flies at Blessed Sacrament Parish in Seattle, at 8:00 PM, August 4th in the Parish Hall (below the church).
So a group of friends and I gathered to watch SiCKO last week, and it was just great. Informative, striking, funny, and jarring (one hopes to the point of action). Michael Moore seemed to tone down his confrontational style, in SiCKO, and this has worked to make his message that much more powerful. The issues are potent enough, as are the simple interviews, to convey a very moving message to Americans about their collapsing Health Care system.
In addition to being a filmmaker and an activist, Moore is also a deeply religious man, an Eagle Scout who at one point decided to go to the seminary and become a priest. He said that "Sicko" comes from "a spiritual place."Link to Article
"I don't like putting my religious beliefs out there," he said. "But I do believe that this film is coming from a very deep place, from a spiritual place in the sense that I believe as a Christian and a Catholic that it is my responsibility to make sure that not only am I covered if something happens to me, but that everyone else is covered."