A Sneak Preview for 2008!
Are aliens the only Republicans left who support Bush and his policies? I'm beginning to think so. Good thing he still has Lieberman! But since we aren't Republicans here at Cascadia Catholics, let's move on to a more interesting topic:
2008 Sneak Preview. As you know, I'm a Kucinich supporter. But I'm also realistic. I like Edwards, but he's not my man. Clinton drives me nuts. Obama is refreshing, but what do we really know about him? And who are all those other guys?
I googled around and found a fantastic website. Check it out:
(You can even look at Republican voting records here, if you're so inclined.)
Most impressive are the Status Reports, what I consider to be some fair, objective and well documented histories of each candidate's voting record and speechifyings.
Last night I went through every Democrat on the list and was cheered to know that the Kooch still has my heart, but probably not my vote (in a close primary). Who does stand out?
Tom Daschle! (Who knew?) Tom Vilsack! (Come again?) and Barack Obama (I was just as surprised!) Edwards actually sank more than a few rungs in my estimation. He voted for the war (apologized, but still...). He voted for the Patriot Act! (No excuse there). He supports the Death Penalty. All bad things in my book, though it doesn't count him out. He is tough and aggressive, and is fighting poverty as a key issue (no one else is), so that's all good.
But you know what is also very interesting. Of all these Democrats, guess how many are Catholic?
Dennis Kucinich
Tom Daschle
Wesley Clark
John Kerry
Bill Richardson
Christopher Dodd
Tom Vilsack
Joe Biden
Wow. And even Obama at least was raised with a Catholic School education - as well as Muslim Schools (He's a convert to the United Church of Christ).
I just thought that was really interesting. Of course they are all pro-choice Catholics, and one can quarrel with that all one wants, but I was really surprised to see that so many of the Democratic Party leaders are Catholic. Reminds me of the good ol' days, before the Reagan bait-and-switch campaign stole so many and damaged so much.
And sorry the blog has been slow. I'll try to do better.
I"m just praying that whoever runs, we don't have to put up with the BS from 2004 about how only good Catholics vote Republican.
If the Democratic candidate is Catholic and pro-choice, we will hear the same arguments as 2004. Let's be prepared for it in advance!
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