Cascadia Catholics

A left-leaning Catholic discussion forum.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

On War, Bishops and Democrats

This is Tim Ryan, Democratic Congressman for the 17th District in Ohio, and member of "Catholics for Peace."

On July 3rd, Ryan and 13 other Congressional Democrats petitioned the USCCB (U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops) to assit them in their quest to end this war in Iraq.

"Throughout our nation’s history, Catholics have been at the forefront of the fight for social justice," said Congressman Tim Ryan. "We are proud to see that the USCCB feels as strongly on this issue as we do, and we are prepared to work closely with them to reach out to fellow members of the faith."

In the letter these Congressional Representatives drafted, which you can read HERE, they stated:
We recall with no small measure of sadness the failed efforts of His Eminence Pio Cardinal Laghi, sent in March 2003 as the Special Envoy of the Pope, to plead with President Bush for a renewed effort at negotiations before this war began, or simply for a delay in commencing hostilities because of the personal intervention of the Holy Father. Though treated politely, Laghi was rebuffed even as he provided the administration with valuable insights from the Iraqi bishops’ conference and Vatican staff in Iraq. Iraq and its people would be in a far different place today had President Bush heeded the advice of Cardinal Laghi and Pope John Paul II.

In our own education in the faith, we find the testimony of the Scriptures compelling, and although we have no illusions about the complexities of our current situation in Iraq, we have come to believe that peace cannot simply exist as an ideal – our efforts must be accompanied by actions as we embrace the teachings of peace and justice.

We have deliberated with great care, and our consciences calls us to act with conviction and compassion. Throughout our nation’s history Catholics have been at the forefront of the fight for social justice. Now, at another critical moment, we respectfully urge the USCCB to join with us in mobilizing support for Congress’ efforts to end the war.
Today, in response to their request, the Bishops affirmed their commitment to end the war, and are making plans to meet with these members of Congress. Bishop Thomas Wenski, chairman of the bishops' committee on International Policy, wrote:
Our conference hopes to work with the Congress and the administration to forge bipartisan policies on ways to bring about a responsible transition and an end to the war. Too many Iraqi and American lives have been lost. Too many Iraqi communities have been shattered. Too many civilians have been driven from their homes. The human and financial costs of the war are staggering.

Representatives of our conference welcome the opportunity to meet with you and other policy makers to discuss ways to pursue the goal of a 'responsible transition' to bring an end to the war in Iraq.
Article Here
Well, I feel better now.


At 7/27/2007 3:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice to hear a catholic voice for peace like this. Recall the plight of the Iraqi Catholics since all this started, and how little help to them we have been (they have no oil and no big brother in Saudi Arabia, Iran, or Israel). I am praying B16 steps up to the plate as big brother. But then, he doesn't have any oil either. Just a billion or so completely divided seing-catholics.



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